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The Companions of the prophet SAW

These are my notes that I made for mosque about the Companions of the prophet

SAHABA – A person who has met the prophet (saw).
If such a person becomes Murtad – IAH + IM – They will not remain a Sahaba. IS – Such a person will still be considered a Sahaba.

•They are said to be the best of Muslims and the best souls of Mankind.
•They are so blessed that the were bought up and taught how to live their life from the prophet (saw) himself and they did Jihad with Our P (saw).
•Our P (saw) : Whoever has hatred towards my Sahaba’s, it is as though he has hatred towards me.
•There Is also mention of the curse on such a person that gives the Sahaba’s any difficulty.

In orderof rank : Khalifa’s → Ashra Mubasharra (The ten that were given the good news of Jannat in this world) → The Sahaba’s that did bay’at with the prophet (saw) → Those that prayed with Our P (saw) when the Qiblah changed → The Sahaba’s that were present after the Qiblah changed.

Hazrat Abu Bakr

NAME : [Abdullah bin Abu Kuhafa Ibn Amir Ibn Umar Ibn Kaab Ibn Saad Ibn Tameem Ibn Murra] Ibn Kaab Ibn Luwwi Ibn Galib Bin Fahraan Ibn Malik bin Nazra bin Qanan. [ ] – With Our P (saw).

MOTHER : Salma bint e Sakra (Known as Umm e Kayyr)
FATHER : Uthman

Abu Bakr (ra) was known as Abd Kaa’b in Jahiliyyat times.
Abu Bakr (ra) is also known as ‘Ateek’ but most agree on the name Siddeeq.
He was known as Sideeq because he accepted prophethood without an hesitance.
When Abu Bakr (ra) was informed about Me’raj, he asked the people that : Who said it? They told him it was Our P (saw) so he accepted immediately.
He accepted everything the prophet (saw) said and even when Jibra’eel (as) came, he stood by Our P (saw).
Our P (saw) : Abu Bakr (ra) is my friend and my brother.
Abu Bakr (ra) gave Our P (saw) a lot of his wealth.
Once he was willing to give everything.
It has been said that in Jannat Abu Bakr (ra) will be the leader of those aged 80+ Foetus → Toddler → Infant → Child → 15-51 → 52-80 → 80+ → Kahulat (elderly)
Muslim Riwayat : Nobody will be old in Jannat. Mulla Ali Qari (rhm) says that Kahulat is till 51 but most say above 80.


1st wife: Qateela bint e Abdul Uzza → Abdullah and Asma bint e Abu Bakar
2nd wife: Umm e Rumaan → Abdur Rahman bin Abu Bakr, Aisha (ra)
The first one didn’t accept Islam so he divorced her but the 2nd one accepted Islam.
3rd wife: Asma bint e Umais (Widow of Ja’far bin Abi Talib) → Muhammad bin Abu Bakr
4th wife: Habiba bint e Karija → Umm e Kulthoom


After Our P (saw) passed away, all the sahaba’s accepted Abu Bakr (ra) as their last khalifa and they did bay’at with Our P (saw) upon this.

He was a Khalifa for 2 years, 3 months and 10 days.


After Our P (saw) passed away, a lot of fitna spread. Some people even refused to believe in Zakat.

There was an army from Rome that were ready to fight (Their leader – Usama bin Zaid) . The were preparing for Battle of Mo’taa against those who did not accept Zakat.
People started to say that we should be soft on them so they will listen but Abu Bakr (ra) said : I will do Jihad with them because Zakat is a fardh and they only need to give a little bit anyway and at least this way, it will teach them to follow other orders in the future.


In San 13 Hijri – Abu Bakr (ra) got fever then a few weeks later, after maghrib, at the age of 63, he passed away.
It was at night time.
Umar (ra) prayed his Janazah Namaz then he was buried next to Aisha (ra).


‘Whatever I get from Baytul Maal, I want it all to be returned back and I want to be buried in the kafan he had on’.

Hazrat Umar

NAME: Umar bin Kattaab bin Nufail bin Abdul Uzza bin Rabaa bin Adi bin Kaab bin Luwwi (Kaab’s two sons: One was [Muraa]) [ ] – One of Our P (saw)’s great grandfathers.


LAQAB: Faruq (Our P saw gave him this name)

MOTHER: Hantam

BIRTH: After Our P (saw). About 12-15 years after. 40 years before Prophethood.


He used to do farming, boxing, archer, horse-riding. He also used to do taqreer and would learn family tree’s.
He had a lot of skill.
Despite there being a lack of literacy skills within Arab, Umar (ra) knew how to read and write.
Before accepting Islam, he would take part in wrestling in the markets of Ukaaz- lots of poets etc. would get together here.
He was quite well known in Arab.
He had such a high skill that he’d be able to jump on to the horses without having to move any part of his body (step on something).
He also had a hobby of trading which he continued after Islam too.


At the age of 27, when Islam began to spread, he did not like it.
He had hatred towards those that accepted Islam.
This was very difficult for Our P (saw) because Umar (ra) was against him and he had sworn to torture those that accepted Islam.
As a result, Our P (saw) made dua: Oh Allah give Islam power & strength either through Abu Jahal or via Umar bin Kattaab (ra).
When Umar (ra) was on his way home, he met a sahaba that informed him that his family has accepted Islam.
He went home and hit both his sisters.
Gradually, the sweetness of Iman began to settle into his heart and Our P (saw)’s dua was then accepted.
He listened to Surah Taha and a number of other ayats.
Seeing Umar (ra) accept Islam, other weaker Muslims gained confidence.
The Mushriks then began to say: Now the Muslims have gained complete control over us.
He accepted Islam after 40 men and 11 women.
He was also one of the Ashra Mubasharra.


•1st wife: Zainab bint e Maz’oon → Abdullah, Abdur Rahman, Hafsa (ra)
•He married her in Jahalat time but she later accepted Islam In Makkah and then passed away there.
•2nd wife: Malika bint e Jarul Kuzaa’ee → Abdullah bin Umar (ra)
•3rd wife: Qareeba bint e Abi Umayya Makzumi (Another Riwayat – Umm e Hakeem bint e Haadith)
•4th wife: Jamila bint e Aasim → Asim bin Umar
•5th wife: Umm e Kulthum bint e Ali → Hadhrat Zaid and Ruqayyya
•(She was given 40 000 as meher)


Zaid Akbar,
Zaid Asgar,
Asim bin Umar,
Abdur Rahman Akbar
Abdur Rahman Awsat
Abdur Rahman Sageer,
Hafsa (ra),
Ruqaya (ra)
Zainab (ra)


When Abu Bakr (ra) became ill, people started to worry about who would be the next khalifa. Abu Bakra (ra) thought that if we don’t decide now, there will be arguments amongst the muslims later on.
Hadhrat Umar (ra) was made Khalifa.
All the other Sahaba’s agreed and accepted.
However, people began to say: Umar (ra) would be a good leader but he has a harsh nature.
Abu Bakr (ra) replied: This harshness will be removed once he becomes leader.
They all agreed upon this and did bay’at, making Umar (ra) khalifah.

Hadhrat Umar (ra) fulfilled his duties with a lot of precaution.
Before Umar (ra) accepted Islam, people prayed namaz in Darul Arqam then with Umar (ra)’s order, everyone began to pray towards the Kabah.
Once he became Khalifa, he had the intention to raise the voice of Islam and spread it to every corner of the world.
He began to spread Islam to a lot of places: Rome, Asia, Persia, Karaasaan etc. not with the intention of taking tax from them, but in order to spread Islam and to abolish all the injustice in the world.
Umar (ra) set up a lot of Majlis’ , madrassahs and built a Masjid in every city and for every group of people.
Similarly, in Misra and Shaam, he ordered for there to be Masjid’s built.
Some Mu’akkireen recall the Masjids to have been 4000.
Umar (ra) also fixed Fuqaha and Ulama to preach Islam to the people.
E.g Ubada bin Samit(ra) and Muaaz bin Jabal (ra) were sent to Shaam.
Hadhrat Umar (ra) would also give them money (wages) so they wouldn’t need to worry about anything else so they could spread the deen peacefully.
Umar (ra) used to consider himself a Kadim rather than a leader.
He did a huge amount of kidmat for people especially those in need.


•Mugaira (ra)’s slave, Abu Lu’Luee, came to Umar (ra) to complain the Mugaira (ra) takes too much tax off him. Umar (ra) found out that he would take 2 dirham’s everyday and that slave was also a designer (Naqasshi) and Carpenter (Najjari).
•Umar (ra) said: According to what you earn, isn’t 2 dirham’s enough?
•The slave got angry and went away.
•After this he started to build hatred towards Umar (ra).
•On San Hijri 33, he attacked Umar (ra) whilst he was in Namaz.
•He hit 6x and then killed himself too.
•Umar (ra) was then taken home injured,he completed his Namaz and then asked: Who is my killer?
•People started to inform him that It was Abu Lu’luee.
•He thanked Allah that he was not killed by a Muslim atleast (but a Nasaara).
•On the 1st of Muharram, 6 days after the attack, Umar (ra) passed away.
•Suhaib Rumi (rhm) led the Janazah Namaz.
•Umar (ra) was buried by his son, Abdullah.


It has been mentioned in the Hadith that man ayats were revealed upon Umar (ra)’s with – This doesn’t mean that he got all the ayats in accordance to his wish but that with Umar (ra)’s wish, some ayats would be revealed. In one hadith, Umar (ra) narrates that Allah revealed an ayat, in accordance to my wish, three times. (Maqam e Ibrahim, Hijab, the killing of Badar prisoners and another time has been said to be the Muniafiq’s Namaz.)

Hazrat Uthmaan

NAME: Uthman bin Afan bin Abi Aas bin Umair ..bin Murra bin Khalid
[Uthman ra’s nani was Our P saw’s foi]
KUNNIYAT: Abu Bakar (or Abu Abdullah)
LAQAB: Zuwin Nurayn FATHER: Uthman MOTHER: Urwa
BIRTH: 6 years after Waaqiah e Feel

Even during Jahalat, his family was very respected .
His great grandfather was one of the Quraish leaders. – The flag would generally stay with him.
Uthman (ra) learnt how to read and write, despite it not being a big tradition in Makkah.
Uthman (ra) used to occupy himself in trading and due to his high level of honesty, he was very successful in this.
Uthman (ra) had never drank alchohol, gambled or worshipped idols.
Uthman (ra) was a very close friend of Abu Bakr (ra)
Uthman (ra) and his family were so loved amongst the people that even when women would sing lullabies to their children, they would mention Uthman (ra)’s name in it.

ACCEPTING ISLAM Once Abu Bakr (ra) invited Uthman (ra) towards Islam, he accepted (along with Zubair ra and Talha ra).

After accepting Islam, Our P (saw) became his father-in-law.
He first married Ruqayya (ra) – Passed away on San 2 Hijri- then Umme Kulthum (ra) – He then became known as Zun Nurayn.

Ruqaya (ra) → Abdullah
Fatima bint e Waleed → Waleed, Saeed
→ Abdul Malik
Ramla bint e Shayba → Umm e Abaan, Umm e Abar
Namiqa → Maryam
Other children : Umm e Amra bint e Junub

[At the time of Shahadat, Namiqa, Ramla, Ummul Baneen and Faaqta were in his Nikah]

When Umar (ra) was close to passing away, the people said: Make someone a Khalifah so Umar (ra) : If I do that then there’s no wrong in it because Abu Bakr (ra) did that too but if not then it’s okay because Our P (saw) didn’t fix a Khalifah.
Umar (ra) said: After I pass away, within 3 days choose a Khalifah. If noone can agree then wherever there’s a majority, choose them.
If not then Abdullah (ra) will make a decision but he will NOT be khalifah himself. (or else people would think it’s a tradition).
After that, Miqdad bin Aswad, Ali (ra), Uthman (ra), Abdur Rahman bin Umar (ra), Zubair(ra), Saad(ra) and Abdullah bin Umar (ra) all went to Aisha (ra)’s house to discuss.
The rest of them all didn’t want to so only Uthman (ra), Ali (ra) and Abdur Rahman (ra) were left. From them, they decided that Abdur Rahman should choose Khalifah, Most people agreed on Uthman (ra) and Ali (ra) accepted.
SOME SAY: It was after asar/fajr in Masjid e Nabwi. He announced Khilafat of Uthman (ra). He did bay’at with Uthman (ra) and so did the people.
He became Khalifah on san 23 Hijri, 29th Zul Hijjah.

When Uthman (ra) became Khalifah, he took responsibility of leading all the places that Islam had spread to (it was a lot ).
They gained lots of victory on sea too. Abdullah bin Qays was made the commander so they increasingly gained victory.
Uthman (ra) made the armies stronger, increasing their wages so they put their heart to the work.
He was the 1st to expand Masjid e Nabwi.
In Abu Bakr and Umar (ra)’s time, the Quran was put together.
Uthman (ra) gathered all the Qurans and got it written in the Lugatai-Quraish.
Uthman (ra) then distributed it to the villages because he didn’t want the Munafiq’s to say: You’ve got so many types of Qurans.
It was during Uthman (ra)’s time that the extra Adhan on Jummah was introduced.

• People tried to get rid of Uthman (ra) and take him of Khilafat.
• Uthman (ra) did his Khilafat properly but he had a slightly softer nature.
• Uthman (ra) had a lot of love for his family sending them to different places to become leader which the Munafiqs didn’t like because they felt he was just choosing his family. (Uthman ra did this to increase his famil’s earnings as they were poor).
• Abdullah bin Sabaa wanted Uthman (ra) off Khilafat.
• Uthman (ra) didn”t move from his Khilafat because Our P (saw) already gave him these predictions but told him to stay firm on it.
• They(Baagi’s) surrounded his house waiting for him to come out.
• Most Sahaba’s moved to Madina but Abdullah, Abu Huraira (ra) etc. stayed to safegaurd Uthman (ra).

• After 40days, Uthman (ra) knew he was going to die.
• The Baagi’s killed him .
• At the front of the house was Hassan and Hussain (ra) bit the Baagi’s climbed the wall and entered Uthman (ra)’s house.
• Uthman (ra) was praying quran at the time.
• The Baagi’s influenced Muhammad bin Abu Bakr to speak ill to Uthman (ra).
• Uthman (ra) said to him: your father wouldn’t have liked this so he stepped back in shame.
• Gaafiki hit a hammer so Uthman (ra) fell to his side.
• Uthman (ra)’s wife tried to stop him but her fingers got cut off.
• Another hit with 9x with a sword.
• He then became Shaheed. Then another came and completely separated his body.
• The guarding Sahaba’s could not believe it because it happened so quietly.
• Ali (ra) took them out of Madina.
• On the 17/18th Zul Hijjah, San Hijri 35, the corpse was still left – Nobody had the courage to remove it then with Ali (ra)’s order, 17 people picked it up. Namaz e Janazah was prayed and was buried in Janatul Baqi.
• Some say: The love that Our P (saw) will have towards Uthman (ra) will be Tifaali (meaning due to their family relations).

Hazrat Ali

KUNNIYAT: Abul Hasan and Abu Turaab LAQAB: Asad ul llah FATHER: Abu Talib
His family tree was like Our P (saw)’s

He was a famous leader of Quraish.
Our P (saw) was bought up by Abu Talib but he never ended up accepting Islam.

Ali (ra) accepted Islam at the age of 10.
He was staying at Our P (saw)’s house.
Ali (ra) saw Khadija (ra) praying namaz so a child would, he asked about it and was then invited towards Islam.
Ali (ra) was the first child to accept Islam.

14 boys and 14 girls altogether.

Fatima (ra) → Hasan, Husain, Muhsin, Zainab
Bint e Hizaam Armia → Abbaas, Jafar, Abdullah, Uthman
Layyla bint e Mas’ood Taymiya → Ubaidullah, Abu Bakr
Asma bint e Umays → Yahya, Muhammad
Haamma bint e Abul aas → Muhammad Awsat
Kowla bont e Jafar → Muhamad bin Hanifa
Umm e Saeed bint e Urwa → Ummul Hussain, Ramla
Mayhaat bint e Umra’ul Qays → 1 daughter who passed away in childhood.

Other children: Umar, Ruqaaya.
Other wives/baandi’s : Umme Haani, Fatima, Khadija, Nafeesa.

Hasan, Hussain, Muhammad bin Hanafiyya, Abbas and Umar

There were still some baagi’s left in Madina.
When Uthman (ra) became shaheed, the people chose Ali (ra)
Ali (ra) became Khalifah on Jumah, 35 years after Hijrat.
Some Sahaba’s didn’t do bay’at (they didn’t agree). Even Uthman (ra)’s family (Banu Umaya) didn’t agree – they bought Uthman (ra)’s blooded clothes and his wive’s fingers and said: Qisas has not been taken yet.
7000 of Uthman (ra)’s followers pleaded for revenge to be taken.
Ali (ra) encouraged people to just pray to avoid fitna.
Two groups formed : those that followed Ali (ra), others that didn’t.
During the 5 years of Ali (ra)’s Khilafat he couldn’t even spread Islam to far places because of so much fitna, zulm etc.
Moreover, the munafiqs increased and people started to claim prophethood.

The Kawarij went to Neherwaan.
Amra bin Bakr, Abdur Rahman bin Mujlim and Abdullah Tameemi set up secretive meetings.
They called Ali (ra), Muawiya (ra) and Amra bin Aas (ra) Kafir.
In the battle of Neherwaan, the Kawarij blamed these three for all the injuries,
They decided that they’ll kill them.
On the 17th of Ramadhan, Ibn Muljim came to Kufaa – He sent a nikah proposal to one of the woman in Ali (ra) family with a meher of 3000 dirham, a slave and Ali )ra). The both married and decided to complete that meher.
Shadeed bin Najda hit the spear at Ali (ra) then Muljim separated his head.
Ali (ra) give wasiyyat to Hassan (ra) etc.
Hasan (ra) prayed the Namaz e Janazah.

• On the way to the Battle of Tabuk, Our P (saw) made Ali (ra) stay behind to look after the family. The Munafiqs said; you mean nothing to him.
• When Our P (saw) was told this, he said: they are wrong, we have a relation that is just as strong as the one between Haroon and Musa (as).
• Rawafiz – A group of Shiah’s who believe all Sahaba’s to be Kafirs – Most Ulama’s say: they can be considered Kafir.
• Lots of predictions were given so people would accept Ali (ra) as Khalifah but the Shiah’s believed this to mean he was supposed to be the next prophet. Another time when Our P (saw) made Ali (ra) the leader of a group and said something to him – the Shiah’s take this to mean here Our P (saw) made Ali (ra) Khalifah.

• In Kaibar, San 7 Hijri, Our P (saw) sent his army.
• The Muslims were finding it difficult to gain victory upon Alqamoos.
• Our P (saw) said: I will give this flag to whoever gains victory upon them.
• Once Ali (ra) conjunctivitis was removed, he lifted the door (very heavy that 40 people would have to lift it – some say: that’s a zaeef riwayat).
• Ali (ra) gained victory for the Muslims so he was givent he flag.

[WHEN DID OUR P (SAW) SAY THIS ^ (FLAG)? In Makkah and the day before Khaibar.]

• It has been said that Ali (ra) will be the leader of the Kahul(elderly) in Jannat.
• Ali (ra) sas himself: I am the servant of Allah (not the LORD).
• He was kwown as Siddiq e Akbar – Possibly because he accepted Islam before Abu Bakr (ra) who was known as Siddiq.